Immigration Law

Your Trusted Advocate

The TN Visa: Is It An Option For You?

Canadian and Mexican workers of certain professions have an alternative when it comes to immigrating to the United States. Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), individuals in specialized professions can secure temporary residency in the U.S. through a TN visa.

However, the criteria for this visa are particularly complex, as is the application process. Fortunately, our Alabama-based team of attorneys at Capstone Law, LLC, can assist you in understanding whether you or a potential employee qualifies for this visa. With more than 15 years of experience in immigration matters, allow us to shoulder the legal and administrative processes on your behalf.

What Are The Criteria?

Relatively few professionals are eligible for a TN visa. You must meet all the following criteria to qualify:

  • You are a citizen of Canada or Mexico.
  • Your job requires a NAFTA professional.
  • You have an offer for a job with a U.S. employer.
  • You are qualified to practice in your profession.
  • Your job is on the list of NAFTA-approved professions.

If approved for a TN visa, you could work in the United States for up to one year.

Experience In All Aspects Of Employment-Based Immigration

Our lawyers have extensive experience helping large and small employers across several industries secure visas for NAFTA-approved professionals. Having navigated the process countless times, we understand the steps to take, the regulations to follow and the strategies necessary to achieve your objectives. With a thriving employment law practice, we can assist you with the numerous legal issues that arise when working with foreign employees.

Get Experienced Immigration Law Assistance

When you need to obtain a TN visa, our skilled staff in Birmingham can aid you. We offer free initial consultations, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by contacting us and scheduling an appointment. You can call 659-977-3388 or send us an email to reach us.

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